Exploring climate change

Educational Level

Middle School | High School | Associate degree programs


Learning to learn.

Mathematical, scientific, and technological competence.

Digital competence

Knowledge area

Biology and Geology
Physics and Chemistry
Social sciences


Spanish - English - Catalan

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SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

4. Quality education

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible production and consumption

17. Partnerships for the goals

Exploring climate change

1. Astronomical parameters

2. Greenhouse gases

3. The natural planet

4. Our human planet

5. Evidence of climate change

6. Let’s avoid climate change!

Educational itinerary that explains the natural factors that influence the climate as well as human activities that cause climate change. This educational material presents the evidence of climate change according to the latest report of the IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and what actions we can take to minimize the issue. Animations and interactive activities are combined to facilitate learning and increase motivation to study.

Biology and geology. 1st and 3rd ESO: Block 2. The Earth in the universe. Block 5. Land topography and its evolution. Block 6. Ecosystems

Biology and geology. 4th ESO: Block 3. Ecology and environment

Applied Sciences to Professional Activity. 4th ESO: Block 2. Applications of science in environmental conservation

Geography and History 1st cycle ESO: Block 2. Human space.

Technology. 4th ESO: Block 6. Technology and society

Scientific Culture 4th ESO: Block 3. Technological advances and their environmental impact

The edition of this educational itinerary has been possible thanks to the collaboration between Cellnex and Ambientech. Thanks to this collaboration, this educational itinerary is of quality and open access.

Texto donde se escribe cellnex y ambientech

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