logotipo ambientech inglés

Ambientech programme methodology

portatil con pantalla en ambientech.org

Ambientech programme methodology

The Ambientech programme methodology is an active and innovative methodology that aims to disseminate and facilitate the study of science and technology through the Internet. The incorporation of information and communication technologies is the basic tool of this methodology that aims to adapt to the current technological culture of students.

Our educational portal contains numerous digital educational itineraries with attractive animations and interactive exercises that facilitate learning and increase student motivation towards science, health and the environment. Students can work with these materials individually, in groups or guided by their teacher. This multimedia material is found on the Internet and can be projected on a digital whiteboard or can be viewed through any digital device (computers, tablets, etc.). The role of the teaching staff during the work sessions can be that of a guide and supervisor of the process of assimilation of the content by the students.

All the pedagogical resources of the Ambientech programme have been carefully designed so that their navigation is very intuitive, so that at all times the user knows where they are. These resources can be used without difficulty by teachers and students of ESO, Bachillerato and vocational training.

The educational itineraries are designed so that each student progresses according to their learning pace, which allows them to adapt to the diversity of the classroom. Each activity progresses according to the responses and actions of the users, and therefore respects their individual rhythms and enhances their autonomous learning.

“Adapted to the current technological culture”
“Learning science with environmental awareness and a healthy lifestyle”
“Attractive animations combined with interactive exercises that facilitate learning and increase motivation in the classroom”
“Attention to diversity”

Flipped Classroom

Thanks to the Ambientech activity format with intuitive and dynamic lessons, the class can be adapted to a methodology based on Flipped Classroom. Students work at home with our educational program while discovering the concepts to be studied and solving activities in an entertaining and simple way independently.

In this way, students can approach the theoretical and practical part of a subject from home and progress in learning at their own pace. Then, in class, together with the teacher, they can reinforce this knowledge and resolve any remaining doubts. In a classroom that follows the Flipped Classroom methodology, more time can be used for debates, collaborative work or project-based methodology.

This would be the way of working called the inverted classroom or Flipped Classroom, in which students consult the educational material on their own beforehand and then work on it in class with the support of the teacher.