Ambientech: Ciencias, Salud y Medio ambiente. Educación Secundaria
For the realization of the Ambientech educational portal, we have a team of scientific editors as well as numerous multimedia and publishing professionals.
Our team consists of high school and university professors, scientific specialists and editors, designers, illustrators, animators, programmers, and multimedia engineers.
Àngels Sala
Chemical Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Environmental Management from the University of Cádiz, and multimedia applications screenwriter for the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Content composition and revision
Xavier Domènech
Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ICTA (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology) Researcher for the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Gloria Carrera
Degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Àngels Sala
Chemical Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Environmental Management from the University of Cádiz, and multimedia applications screenwriter for the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Elisabet Soler
Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona, multimedia applications screenwriter from the Open University of Catalonia
Digital scripts
Àngels Sala
Chemical Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Environmental Management from the University of Cádiz, and multimedia applications screenwriter for the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Elisabet Soler
Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona, multimedia applications screenwriter from the Open University of Catalonia
Ariadna Walsh
Digital scripts specialist
Design and programming
Aleix Costa
Website programmer
Eduard Casanova
Multimedia specialist and programmer
Ariadna Walsh
Website and multimedia programmer
Albert Espinosa
Programmer, illustrator, and multimedia specialist
Désirée Albors
Multimedia illustrator and designer
Mar Salvador
Graphic designer and multimedia specialist
Sira Vidal
Multimedia specialist
Design and programming
Thiago Alves
Industrial and marketing engineer
Gemma Capel
Social media and communications manager
External evaluation
Corentin Gordeeff
SEO Consultant
Ana Mateo
Multimedia applications evaluator
Silvia Maymó
Secondary Education professor at IESM Ferran Tallada, Barcelona