Educational resource: The water molecule

Educational Level

Middle School | High School | Associate degree programs


Learning to learn.
Mathematical, scientific, and technological competence.
Digital competence

Knowledge area

Biology and Geology
Physics and Chemistry


Spanish - English - Catalan
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SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

4. Quality education
6. Clean water and sanitation
11. Sustainable cities and communities

1. Construction of the water molecule

2. Water, a great solvent

3. Drinking water vs non-potable water

4. Self-evaluation test

Educational itinerary that explains in detail the chemical characteristics of water. How water molecules are formed, their properties and their great solvent capacity. Animations and interactive activities are combined to facilitate learning and increase motivation to study.

Biology and geology. 1st and 3rd ESO: Block 2. The Earth and the universe

Natural sciences: 1st cycle ESO / 2nd cycle ESO
Biology and Geology Secondary Education
Physics and Chemistry Secondary Education

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