Ambientech: Ciencias, Salud y Medio ambiente. Educación Secundaria

The endocrine system

Educational Level

Middle School | High School | Associate degree programs


Learning to learn.
Mathematical, scientific, and technological competence.
Digital competence

Knowledge area

Human biology


Spanish - English - Catalan
logo ods

SDG (sustainable development goals)

3. Good health and well-being
4. Quality education
17. Partnerships for the goals

1. What are hormones?

2. The glands of the endocrine system

3. Differences between the nervous system and the endocrine system

4. Recognizing the main glands of the endocrine system

5. An increasingly common disorder: childhood and youth obesity

6. Diseases of the endocrine system

7. A special case, the growth hormone

Educational itinerary that explains in detail how the endocrine system works. It contains animations and activities to consolidate learning. One of the activities is focused on childhood and youth obesity, which transmits the values of a healthy lifestyle in order to successfully prevent and reverse the disease. In addition, it also contains a simulator of diseases of the endocrine system that helps understand them.

Secondary Education Biology
People and their health. Healthy lifestyle promotion

3. Learn the concept of health and disease, and the factors that determine them.

4. Classify diseases and assess the importance of a healthy lifestyle to prevent them.

6. Identify healthy habits as a method of disease prevention.

13. Argue the importance of good nutrition and physical exercise in health.

20. Associate the main endocrine glands, with the hormones they synthesize and the function they play.

21. Functionally relate to the neuro-endocrine system.

The edition of this educational itinerary has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Merck Health Foundation, the Spanish Society of Pediatric Endocrinology, and Ambientech. Because of this collaboration, this educational itinerary is of great quality, free to access, and scientifically rigorous.

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