logotipo ambientech inglés

Energy of the Earth and the Sun

Learn how the energies of the Earth and the Sun drive life, e.g. wind, geothermal and solar energy are essential for sustainable use of resources.

1. The energies of our planet

2. Natural resources

3. The energy of natural resources

4. Self-evaluation test

Educational itinerary that explains in detail the different types of energy on our planet. From renewable energy to non-renewable. Animations and interactive activities are combined to facilitate learning and increase motivation to study.

Biology and geology 4th ESO: Block 3. Ecology and environment

Applied Sciences to Professional Activity. 4th ESO: Block 2. Applications of science in environmental conservation.

Physics and Chemistry 2nd and 3rd ESO: Block 3. Changes. Block 5. Energy

Technology 4th ESO: Block 6. Technology and society.

Scientific Culture 4th ESO: Block 3. Technological advances and their environmental impact